Entering historical payroll records

To enter historical payroll records:

  1. Open 5-2-2 Payroll Records.
  2. In the Employee text box, enter the employee number.
  3. In the Period Start text box, enter the beginning date for the quarter.
  4. In the Period End text box, enter the ending date for the quarter.
  5. In the Check Date text box, enter the date of the last payroll check for the quarter.
  6. In the Check# text box, enter the employee number.
  7. In the Payroll Type list, do one of the following:

    • If the startup payroll has been posted to the General Ledger in your old system, you should not post the startup payroll record. Click 4-Startup.
    • If the startup payroll is not posted to the General Ledger in your old system, you need to post the startup record. Click 3-Hand Computed.
  8. In the Quarter text box, enter the payroll quarter.
  9. In the State text box, enter the tax state.
  10. In the Salary text box, enter the amount of the wages. This figure is always the gross wage.
  11. Click the Calculations tab.
  12. In the Amount cell of each payroll calculation, enter the amount.
  13. Click File > Save.
  14. Repeat steps 2 through 13 for each employee.


  • After entering all of the records, you can verify the data. Open 5-1-2 Payroll Check Register, select the Deduction and Total Page checkboxes, and then print the report. If you find incorrect records, void and re-enter them.
  • If you assigned status 3-Hand Computed to any payroll records, post the payroll.