Entering historical payroll records
To enter historical payroll records:
- Open 5-2-2 Payroll Records.
- In the Employee text box, enter the employee number.
- In the Period Start text box, enter the beginning date for the quarter.
- In the Period End text box, enter the ending date for the quarter.
- In the Check Date text box, enter the date of the last payroll check for the quarter.
- In the Check# text box, enter the employee number.
In the Payroll Type list, do one of the following:
- If the startup payroll has been posted to the General Ledger in your old system, you should not post the startup payroll record. Click 4-Startup.
- If the startup payroll is not posted to the General Ledger in your old system, you need to post the startup record. Click 3-Hand Computed.
- In the Quarter text box, enter the payroll quarter.
- In the State text box, enter the tax state.
- In the Salary text box, enter the amount of the wages. This figure is always the gross wage.
- Click the Calculations tab.
- In the Amount cell of each payroll calculation, enter the amount.
- Click > .
- Repeat steps 2 through 13 for each employee.
- After entering all of the records, you can verify the data. Open 5-1-2 Payroll Check Register, select the Deduction and Total Page checkboxes, and then print the report. If you find incorrect records, void and re-enter them.
- If you assigned status 3-Hand Computed to any payroll records, post the payroll.